Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween #1

I spent the past 2 weekends doing Halloween things. Last weekend was a Halloween dance at Will's school, and I forgot my camera! It was so stinking cute and fun too! This weekend, we had a city wide Halloween party. We went with our friends who just moved to town and their baby. Then, I ditched the fam, put on my Amish garb and went to Rockford to see the fabulous Miles Nielsen and the Rusted Hearts. If you have not heard their music before, I highly suggest you give them a listen. Such awesome tunes and in turn, I've made some wonderful friends at the shows. So, the main gang met in Rockford for a night of good music, good friends and good fun.

                                 I was on my rumspringer, so I wore makeup and had a beer.
                                                       My friend, Amber and I :)
                            Amber as a flapper, Jill as Miles Nielsen and me as the Amish chick
                          The band showed up in some kind of creepy, yet well done makeup
Here's a few of the Rusted Hearts. I was trying to get Daxx, as the taco, but this stand kept getting in the way.

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